
Land Schweiz
Stadt Luzern - Innerschweiz
Datum der Anmeldung 22 Aug., 2021
6 (Letzter Kommentar am 30 März, 2024)


(30 März, 2024 18:48)
Dear Chloe, you are the epitome of beauty. Your face, your eyes, your charisma, your look... ...like entering paradise. Your body is uniquely beautiful, incredibly well defined. Simply perfect! I would love to caress every single square centimeter for hours - forever. Your breasts are so incredibly beautiful and so is everything else - right down to your toes. Unsurpassed. I will never forget the delicious taste of your yoni. Unique. I'm really looking forward to our next reunion. I dream of spending a whole night with you one day. I love you. Urs
(22 März, 2024 23:11)
After a very tiring week, I visited Ainhoa ​​(for the second time). An excellent decision. The perfect start to the weekend. All the stress was gone. Ainhoa ​​is a beautiful woman with a wonderful charisma. Lots of positivity. Her heart is in the right place. I practice Tantra myself and have experienced hundreds of Tantra rituals and Tantra massages. Today's experience is definitely one of the top 5. Maybe even number 1. A must for every Tantra connoisseur. And also for every newcomer. She has developed her very own style. Refined, sensitive, intimate, completely mine. A pleasure from A-Z. I will definitely visit her again and again. If I were younger, I would run away with her. I love you, Ainhoa. Urs
(04 Nov., 2022 23:22)
Wow! Nelly ist sympathisch, süss, herzlich und schön. Ihr Körper ist zucker-süss - jede einzelne Körperpartie würde man am Liebsten endlos lange liebkosen. Ihre Fotos sind zwar echt, zeigen aber nicht, wie unglaublich schön ihr Body ist - von ganz oben bis ganz nach unten. Jede Körperpartie. Jede Faser. Traumhaft. Einfach zucker-süss. Fünf von fünf Sternen. Und dann gibt's noch zehn Sterne obendrauf - für ihre Tantramassage. Ich durfte schon unzählig viele Tantramassagen geniessen, aber das Erlebnis mit Ihr war das Beste aller Zeiten. Weshalb? Die Massage war unglaublich gefühlvoll und herzlich. Einzigartig. Diese ersten zwei Stunden mit ihr werden mir ewig in Erinnerung bleiben. Und, ja, natürlich werde ich sie immer und immer wieder besuchen. Definitiv Suchtgefahr. Und: Man könnte sich glatt verlieben. In sie. In ihren Körper. In ihre Herzlichkeit.
(06 Okt., 2022 14:43)
I met Claudia a few months ago - for two hours. She has an incredibly warm and heartfelt charisma, she is very likeable and natural. She is very attractive, feminine and sexy. She is beautiful - very much so! A breath-taking power of attraction and a spell which I can't escape. And, yes, she has a perfect body. Stunning! The one woman you can fall in love with - forever. Last time, I gave her a tantric, soft, slow and calm massage. She loved it. And she pampered me in the same soft, slow and calm manner thereafter. I loved it. The best you can get. After my stay for several months abroad and my return to Switzerland a few days ago I will meet Claudia again tonight. I have an appointment for two hours - but I might want to make love with her much longer. All night long. I love this wonderful woman! I love you Claudia!
(19 Nov., 2021 23:48)
Wow! Wanda is and has everything I am looking for. I met her tonight - for three perfect hours. She is beautiful, has a perfect body, a very positive attitude - and charisma. She is charming. I loved her intense kisses and making love with her is like eating each other. You constantly feel her entire body - from her head to her toes. And: I LOVE her SWEEEEET soles. I already miss her!

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